Sunset Park Elementary School

Sunset Park Elementary School
Established 1971-1972
Type Public
Principal Sara Martin
Students 725 students
Grades Pre-k - 5
Location Miami, Florida, USA
District Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Campus Suburban
Colors Gold and Navy Blue
Mascot Golden Panther
School hours 8:35-3:05

Sunset Park Elementary School is an elementary school located at 10235 S.W. 84th Street in Miami, Florida. The school is popular due to its multi-ethnic community which is reflective of the cultural diversity of Miami-Dade County.

Mission statement

"The mission of the staff and community of Sunset Park Elementary is to enable all students to develop to their maximum potential. This will be achieved by providing a positive and stimulating learning environment which meets individual needs and fosters the development of active learners who will be literate, critical thinkers, accepting of others, and productive, responsible citizens of a multicultural society."

Unique Structural Layout

Sunset Park Elementary School differs from most other schools in its physical layout. It was built with an open learning center design. There are large learning centers which hold two, and sometimes three classes in them. There are no walls separating most classes. The upstairs learning centers had moveable walls installed during the summer of 2000.

External links